The mind/body connection is your body’s innate way of communicating with you.

Quite often, our physical symptoms appear due to an emotional or mental condition that we have not fully processed or resolved. This can be both conscious or unconscious.

There may be a number of reasons for this to occur, some of the more common ones include unresolved trauma, leaking energy, or a disconnection on a soul level. These are explained in greater detail below.

When delving into Mind/Body work, it is advised to seek the assistance of a professional therapist. This can fast track your journey and allow for maximum benefits in order to restore your health and wellbeing sooner.

Experienced Holistic Therapist and Naturopath Melanie Wingate is able to cater a session for your individual needs and assist you back into balance, thus your natural state of being.

Unresolved Trauma

When we experience an event or situation that is traumatic to our system, the memory of this incident can become stored in our cells on a molecular or energetic level. This cellular memory will remain within the body until the original issue has been dealt with and cleared. After a while, the body will attempt to alert us in order to resolve the issue at hand, this may be subtle to begin with, such as a dull ache, excessive tiredness or perhaps even acute/severe anxiety. Over time, the condition may intensify and eventually manifest into an illness or disease.

Through the use of advanced clearing techniques, natural medicines and guided processes, these conditions may be resolved, bringing the body back into balance and its natural state of equilibrium.

Leaking Energy

Your gut is your container… physical and energetic.

If your gut is leaky due to poor permeability then your life is leaking as well. If your gut is riddled with dysbiosis and parasites then your mind and thoughts will be the same… leaky gut equals a leaky brain. Parasitic gut equals parasitic thoughts.

Getting your gut right is essential for attracting good things into your life, if your gut is leaking then you will not be able to hold a strong energetic container and you will also struggle to hold onto tangible things such as money and loving relationships, as well as an emotional sense of security such as feeling strong and confident, calm, courageous and anxiety free.

Soul Disconnection

A part of living life in tune with your natural essence is about learning how to listen to your soul. The souls voice is very different to your mind, it will feel soft, soothing and deep. Many of us listen to the voice of the mind by default as this is a conditioning that has been placed upon us from a very young age. If you are not connected to your soul, then it may attempt to communicate to you through your body. Thus creating pain, disease, anxiety, digestive concerns and other common ailments.

There are many simple steps to take in order to tune into your natural essence and hear the voice of soul. Through the use of advanced techniques, natural medicines, guided healings and expert advise, you can be feeling calm and in control of your life again in no time at all.

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