IBS and Your Gut Microbiome

IBS (Irritable Bowel Syndrome) is considered a functional bowel condition, this is because there is structurally nothing wrong with the gut and yet the functionality of it proves something is definitely not ok.

IBS-D is a diagnosis given if you are experiencing bouts of diarrhoea when there is no other explanation for it, such as inflammatory bowel disease, food poisoning or a virus.

When suffering from IBS, one can experience:

  • Excessive gas production
  • Cramping and gut pain
  • Abnormal motility
  • Low-grade inflammation
  • Low-level gut irritation

The Bacteria Involved

There was once a time when IBS was not considered a diagnosable medical condition, as there was very little evidence that anything was physically wrong in the body.

However, with modern research, these days it is not overlooked as a psychological condition but rather a more serious imbalance of gut microbiota, also referred to as gut dysbiosis.

People with IBS-D have consistently shown to have an overgrowth of Ruminoccocus torques as well as a reduction in Clostridium and various species of Lactobacillus and Bifidobacterium.

An overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut create an intoxication of harsh chemicals and toxic gases that are released by an array of dysbiotic bacteria that are fermenting carbohydrates in the gut which leads to bloating, offensive gasses and pain.

Living with IBS 

The development of IBS will almost always begin with a bout of gastroenteritis, traveller’s diarrhoea, a stressful event or a course of antibiotics. You may recover from the original condition but are never quite the same again.

Experiencing further bouts of bloating, gas and abdominal discomfort, randomly at first, however the condition continues to worsen over time.

You might have tried over-the-counter remedies, or spoken to your doctor about possible treatments, or perhaps you just put up with the symptoms and tell yourself it will get better over time, it’s not that bad.

You’ve tried all the diets, all the medications, and all the recommended protocols, both natural and medical, but yet it still comes back, and continues to get worse.

Perhaps you have even reached the point that you are too afraid to leave your house, and if you do then you need to know the location of every bathroom from your home to your required destination, and just like that IBS now controls your life.

And if having the symptoms of an irritable bowel isn’t bad enough, you’ll also notice that the imbalance of gut bacteria is also effecting your moods, your emotions and your sleep.

You’re probably also feeling anxious, frustrated, fatigued and suffering from lack of sleep, not to mention the deterioration on your physical body due to malabsorption from poor gut permeability including damaged hair, weak fingernails and perhaps dull, baggy eyes.

There is Help Available

The good news is that we can definitely turn IBS around, and it does not have to be something you just have to live with for the rest of your life.

A gut protocol consisting of a microbiome mapping test as well as a weed, seed, feed program will have your gut back to normal in no time at all.

The microbiome mapping test is an essential step in uncovering the level of dysbiosis in your gut so you know exactly what you are working with.

The composition of gut flora is very specific and therefore it is a mandatory step in the process to uncover the workings of your inner world in order to be able to correct the imbalances that are creating all of your symptoms.

Once you have completed your microbiome test, the next step is to assist your body in finding it’s way back to a state of equilibrium by eliminating any bad bacteria present and supporting the growth of the good guys.

All of this can be achieved in a matter of a few months if the protocol is followed correctly, and of course taking in to consideration the severity of your individual symptoms.

To get started on your health journey, simply book an online consultation today via the booking link: BOOK ONLINE. 

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