Disbiosis is an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut, which can lead to disease and or mental and emotional imbalances.

The human body contains more than 10 times more bacteria cells than human cells, and over 100 times more bacterial genes than human genes.

The total weight of the microorganisms that make up the gut microbiota of a modern Western person contains around 2kg, so much so that this is now considered by some experts as seperate human tissue.

Your gut’s microbiota has a huge impact on physical, mental and emotional health.

Abnormalities in microbiome have been recognised in conditions such as IBS, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, and obesity.

Since discovering that some of the microbes in our body can modify the production of neurotransmitters found in the brain, it is becoming more common knowledge that the gut has a direct impact on sleep, moods, depression, anxiety and other neurochemical imbalances.

Disbiotic bacteria are non-health promoting bacteria that do not benefit the health of the host in any way at all.

Encouraging Dysbiosis

As with all living things, the bacteria in your gut rely on food to survive, and each different species of bacteria are accustomed to eating specific types of food.

Because the bacteria in your gut are going to feed off the foods you put in your body, what you feed your body is essentially linked to the health of your gut and therefore your entire body.

The real issue we face in modern times is that the Western diet is mostly focussed on foods that will encourage the growth of bad bacteria to flourish, and discourage the growth of the good probiotic bacteria that we need to thrive.

A diet that is high in refined sugars, overcooked saturated fats, carbohydrates from white flour and processed seed oils only feeds the bad bacteria, creating an overgrowth of disbiosis in the body.

In order to feed the good guys, we need to see a diet that is high in fresh leafy greens and vegetables, lean protein, omega 3 fats, probiotic containing foods, complex carbohydrates and lots of fibre.

The lack of dietary fibre in our Western diet actively discourages the growth of health-promoting probiotic bacteria.

In addition to all of this, these diets also contain the probiotic-killing use of pesticides, disinfectants, and antibiotic residue that is constantly being ingested with these foods which result in the perfect recipe for a weak microbiome. Specifically lacking in lots of different types of microbes (biodiversity).

The diseases that we see today such as heart disease, diabetes, obesity, strokes, autoimmune disease and cancers, were virtually unknown in hunter-gatherer societies, and the gut microbiome of those living in developing countries are far more diverse (2-3 times the mass) than those of a Western society.

The Three-fold Effects of Dysbiosis

Firstly, you miss out on the anti-inflammatory effects that a probiotic gut will give you.

Secondly, You are exposed to a multitude of toxic bacterial bi-products and inflammatory effects of a dysbiotic bacteria.

Thirdly, the product of fatty acids, which are fuel for the gut wall cells, is reduced and the function of the gut barrier becomes impaired. The transfer of toxic byproducts of bacterial sugar fermentation across the gut wall occurs and these chemicals end up in our bloodstream. This will not only make you feel unwell but it is also the underlying theory to the development of autoimmune disease. Which is also known as increased gut permeability or leaky gut.

Correcting the Effects of Dysbiosis

The good new is that it can be repaired and reversed.

Studying your gut diversity through a microbiome mapping test will give you an idea of the imbalance that might be present.

Knowing these imbalances is the first step to correcting them and encouraging the growth of a healthy bacterial colony.

My gut protocols will assist you to step through each stage of the gut healing process and guide you back to a healthy state of probiosis and overall physical and mental health.

You can book a consultation with me here.



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