
Melanie Wingate, Naturopath and Intuitive Therapist, offers you the opportunity to uncover all of your hidden parts, opening yourself up to a deeper level of healing, vulnerability and self-love.

About Intuitive Therapy


Melanie believes that much of the illness, suffering and dis-ease that we see in our world today can be a result of unresolved emotional issues that remain stored in the cells of our body at an unconscious level.

Through uncovering these traumas and nurturing our inner most fears and insecurities we can often get to the cause of our health concerns thus assisting the body in a faster recovery.

Melanie uses a combination of Naturopathic Principles, Counselling Techniques and Advanced, Deep Level Coaching Processes to assist you to tap into the highest potential of your inner healing abilities.

Heal From Within Using The Best of Nature and

Your Own Healing Ability!


Melanie Wingate has been working with natural therapies for more than 10 years. During this time she has worked with hundreds of people, assisting them with their health concerns and aiding recovery from physical and emotional pain.

She has had a passion for natural therapies for her entire life. When she was a young child, natural medicine was used to cure her of her own chronic illness.

During her years of working with Natural Medicine, Melanie began to see a pattern with herbs and supplements becoming relied on by many as though they were pharmaceutical drugs.

She knew that this was not the solution to healing, and that there was a deeper underlying cause that was keeping disease in the mind and body.

Melanie has spent many years diving into this deeper calling, and has worked on herself with countless healers and modalities looking for a more holistic approach.

You can learn more about Melanie’s personal healing journey here.

About My Journey


She is a qualified Naturopath and holds a membership with the Australian Natural Therapies Association (ANTA).

Melanie is also a professional holistic counsellor and life coach, holding a Bachelor of Psychology, as well as qualifications in Master of Hypnosis, NLP, and Transformational Coaching.

Over the years, Melanie has developed a method which involves combining all of her modalities together to create a unique style of healing, using the mind/body connection. She calls this method Intuitive Therapy.

Melanie uses traditional and modern naturopathic protocols, along with her Intuitive Coaching, to not only get to the physical cause behind your health concerns, but the emotional and cognitive ones as well.

Melanie believes that our inner most thoughts and feelings are a major contributor to our health conditions and that its important to combine the physical as well as emotional and cognitive attributes to deliver a unique holistic treatment plan designed for your individual needs.